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Tribute to Eileen schauler

We are so sorry to share the news that our beloved, retired Voice Teacher, Eileen Schauler, passed away on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at the age of 92. Eileen retired in 2011 after more than 25 years of teaching at AMDA. Eileen was an immense talent as an artist, as a teacher of voice, and as an iconic presence at AMDA in so many different ways. She was truly a larger-than-life person, full of integrity, artistic and theatrical knowledge, and enormous humor. All of AMDA loved Eileen and her huge, generous heart. It is difficult to believe that our dear Eileen is not with us now – her presence was that big. But if you believe, as we do, that our legacy lives on in our students and in our AMDA community, then Eileen’s benevolence and superstar talent is rampant everywhere at AMDA, and in fact, all over the globe!

Heaven's Choir just gained an exquisite Soprano. Eileen Schauler, what an indelible impact you leave in this world. From your students, to the audiences you filled with that stunning voice. AMDA was so lucky to have you. And I was honored to know and love you. Love to Erwin!

Stefani Miller


I remember how quickly the hour would go by every time we were together. Eileen was a wealth of knowledge and stories. She also had the most beautiful heart. She made me feel so confident in my ability to move people with my voice. Seeing her every week as like visiting and catching up with a close family friend. And she had the best sense of humor. I owe a lot of where I am today to her. Thank for the music And the laughter Eileen. You are loved and missed.

John Edwards


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I absolutely adored Eileen! She was an excellent voice teacher and gift to us all. She knew the voice inside and out and knew how to draw out the best in me. On top of that she was a character. My favorite memory was actually early on in meeting her. I went for a voice lesson and she instantly “spotted” my blonde eyebrows. (Or lack thereof.) Mortified that no one would ever see my facial expressions she promptly drew on some fabulous opera brows with an incredible upward bow at the end for proper “affect”. Who couldn’t love her?! You will be missed Eileen!

Kim Dunbar


I remember first meeting Eileen and just being in awe of the roles she played and originated. She was truly larger than life, and her belief in me was huge. What a privilege it is to have known her and have learned from her.

Essie Bertain


When I started teaching at AMDA in 1992, Eileen was already a legend. A Diva in her own right, she was dedicated to passing on her wonderful technique and joie de vivre in performing to a new generation. She also became a dear and loving friend, so supportive of me when I took over as chair of the department in 2002. In addition to her great artistry, she had a clear head and was wonderful in giving advice about how to keep things running smoothly. Not to mention her fashion statements! She was fanatic about keeping her slim figure and even her every day outfits were stunning in their coordination and brilliant colors. I still miss seeing her in the Teachers’ lounge, even though she hasn’t been there in quite a while. Eileen, you will be soooo missed.

Wendy Sharp


It was with deep sadness that I read the news of Eileen"s passing! If memory serves me correctly, she was the first person to welcome me when I began to work for AMDA many years ago. Friendly, welcoming, exuberant, and caring, all my memories of Eileen are happy ones! She was a great Voice Teacher and a great person, with a larger than life and genuine persona! She will be sorely missed!

Mary Feeney


I entered the two year program in 1984. Among the many great teachers was Eileen. Though she wasn’t my assigned voice teacher, she gave me some quick advice on voice placement right before I went onstage for my showcase performance. Her advice worked and I shined brilliantly with confidence as I was able to sing the high notes which had previously given me trouble - with ease. Michael Sartor was suitably impressed. Thank you, Eileen!!

Mike Rapposelli


Eileen’s life force was amazing. Her passion and enthusiasm were boundless, and she cherished everyone. I will miss her.

Mary Hurlbut


Eileen was just the loveliest, most supportive colleague when I was just a 25 year old brand new teacher a million years ago. I have always remembered her so very fondly. And she was a hoot during demos! Always livened up what could be a long day.

Amy Cheifetz Billings


Sadness upon sadness. She was such a wonderful woman, such a character and she loved singing so much. She'll be missed.

Elizabeth Moulton


Eileen was MY voice teacher when I was at AMDA as a student many, many years ago and, in addition to being a wonderful educator, she was a sparkling, fun, LOVING human being. She loved all things singing and she had a big part to play in my own vocal journey. I'm hugely grateful to her and it's clear I'm not the only one. She will be missed!

Ashleigh Junio


Eileen...A beautiful, classy lady who inspired me for over 20 years. Her love of life (and her students) was invigorating beyond belief. Rest well my darling DIVA. You will be greatly missed.

Billy Johnstone


Were it not for Eileen, really, I would not (still) be with you all. It was through her rep classes that I first connected with the Voice Department, and those classes, in fact, became my only tie to AMDA for a couple of years. Eventually, she recommended me to play voice demos, and the rest ... is what it is. So I owe Eileen a lot, but so does everyone else here. To students and colleagues alike, she was unfailingly warm and generous: with her talents; her time; her ears, when you needed a sympathetic one; and her immense patience. As befit a former Broadway and City Opera principal, she projected an authentic diva presence -- when she walked into a room, you knew she was there -- without any of the (negative) diva personality. And, of course, she was a terrific voice teacher. R.I.P.

Steve Vasta
