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Introducing New BFA in Vocal Performance: Commercial Music Program

December 20, 2023 - Announcements, Spotlight

Discover Your Voice with AMDA's New BFA in Vocal Performance: Commercial Music


Empower your individuality, fuel your passion, and carve out your place in the world of commercial music.


In the ever-evolving realm of commercial music, where genres like Pop, R&B, country, and Hip-Hop shape cultural narratives, it’s crucial for artists to resonate their own voice and tell their own stories through music.


AMDA College of the Performing Arts in Los Angeles is excited to announce its new BFA in Vocal Performance: Commercial Music. Students will graduate from this BFA program as unique artists who are trained with mastery in vocal techniques, music production, genre-specific expertise, industry acumen, and holistic performance dynamics, preparing them as versatile and industry-ready professionals. 


The Curriculum: More than just courses, the program offers a transformative journey that begins with the fundamentals, like music theory and commercial music singing techniques, all designed to harness the unique vocal quality of each student. As the journey progresses, students will explore the world of Vocal Improvisation, Vocal Fitness, and even the intricacies of Digital Audio Workstations. These intricate teachings ensure students emerge as multifaceted professionals, ready to voice their individual stories and perspectives.


Performance as Expression: At AMDA, we believe in the power of live experiences. The program presents opportunities for students to bring their individual narratives to life through vocal performance recording projects and live concerts. These platforms serve not just as learning experiences but as a celebration of every student's unique artistic identity.


Creating to Express: The capstone project is more than an assignment; it's an opportunity for students to channel their journey, experiences, and individuality into fully-produced vocal performance content. Ready for distribution, this project embodies the student's evolution, artistic growth, and readiness for the commercial music scene.


Nurturing Individuality in a Collaborative Environment: AMDA’s Artistic Community is a haven for those who seek to explore their artistry. In an environment buzzing with emerging and diverse artists, students find the space to develop their voice amidst a backdrop of collaboration, mentorship, and inspiration.


Holistic Growth and Broad-Based Knowledge: Beyond honing their artistic prowess, students immerse themselves in General Education courses that feed their intellectual curiosity, enriching their understanding of societal contexts, historical backdrops, and the myriad influences that shape art.


Preparation for the Real World: The industry awaits, and our students are prepared to step in not just as artists but as well-rounded professionals. From understanding the nuances of current audition techniques to presenting themselves with industry-standard digital assets, every student is prepared to navigate the music world's complexities with flair and individuality.


Diverse Career Opportunities Await: With this holistic training, graduates are poised to illuminate the music world in diverse capacities - be it as independent solo artists, sound production experts steering the industry’s direction, or as vocal health consultants guiding others to maintain their vocal prowess. The expansive career opportunities underscore the program’s commitment to nurturing versatile, individualistic artists who can shape the industry’s future.


AMDA's BFA in Vocal Performance: Commercial Music program is a conduit for artists to embrace, refine, and voice their individuality. By blending rigorous academic training with real-world applications, the program stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to helping every artist find their unique voice in the grand symphony of the commercial music world. Dive in, explore the possibilities, and let your voice be heard!